The Plain bagel

2024 Finance Rewind - The Year of Trump, AI and Crypto

Why Does Everyone Hate Private Equity?

Memestocks Won't Make You Rich (Probably)

Do Rate Cuts ACTUALLY Send Stocks Higher?

Is the S&P 500 Too Concentrated?

Grocery Store Greedflation - Is Price Gouging Behind Higher Food Prices?

The Canadian Housing Crisis Explained

Prominent Short Seller Charged With Market Manipulation

What Return Should Investors Reasonably Expect?

FTX’s 118% Refund Plan to Start Next Week

Investment Analyst Reacts to Finance TikToks - Part 7

The Ridiculous Rise and Fall of WeWork

What Exactly Are Hedge Funds (And Why Are They Always Causing Problems)?

The Passive Income Scam

Bonds | Using Debt to Invest

Stock Multiples: How to Tell When a Stock is Cheap/Expensive

Bank Financial Advisors Are Giving Bad Advice

Why Investors Love Dividends (And Why They Can Be Dangerous)

The Sketchy Companies Paying YouTubers to Promote Their Stock

Why I Don't 'HODL' Bitcoin

Investing STILL Won't Make You Rich (Probably)

The Index Fund/ETF Bubble - How Bad Is It Really?

Finance Movie Review: Barbarians at the Gate

The Plain Bagel: This Is How You Build Wealth